This page lists all the free downloadable templates and letters for school governing bodies you can find on Ask A Clerk. Unless otherwise credited the files were created by me.
If you have any additional letters or documents you would be willing to share with governance colleagues to save them some valuable time please do let me know.

Agenda Templates (Full Governing Body)
(Read more about agendas here.)
School governor meeting agenda (.docx)
Agenda for first autumn term meeting (.docx)
Agenda Example For An Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The AGM is a meeting of academy trust members. It does not exist in maintained schools.
AGM Agenda Annual General Meeting (.docx)
Annual Agenda Planner
This is an example yearly agenda planner from Bolton LA.
Annual agenda planner (.pdf)
Panel Agendas and Letters
These are sample local authority agendas and letters for governor panels, also known as governor appeal panels, where an impartial group of governors decides whether an original decision was correct. The exclusion panel is often called the governor disciplinary committee (GDC).
Exclusion panel agenda and letters (Gloucestershire LA) (.doc)
This file includes a sample governor exclusion panel agenda, plus letters to parents saying the exclusion has either been upheld or the pupil reinstated.
Pay appeals panel agenda (DfE) (.docx)
A suggested agenda for a pay appeal, where a teacher has appealed against the decision to deny them a pay rise. Taken from the DfE document Implementing Your School’s Approach To Pay.
Register of Governors and Associate Members
I use this template to display all the required information that must be published on a school website such as full names and terms of office.
Template Register of Governors and Associate Members (.docx file)
Old DfE Exclusion Letters
The DfE used to publish example exclusion letters to send to parents but withdrew them in 2012. Your LA or academy trust may be able to provide up-to-date letters, but if not I have provided the DfE letters below so you can see the style and format they used to recommend.
You must update these letters to take account of the current law and exclusions guidance. There are six letters to parents included in the file.
- Fixed exclusion (five days or fewer).
- Fixed exclusion (six to 15 days).
- Fixed exclusion over 15 days.
- Permanent exclusion.
- Governor panel uphold a permanent exclusion.
- Independent appeal panel decision (this panel is now called the independent review panel or IRP).
Old DfE exclusion letters (.doc)
Minutes Templates (Full Governing Body)
(Read more about minutes here.)
School governor minutes template (.docx)
Confidential minutes template (.docx)
(Read more about policies here.)
The schedule below can help clerks keep track of all statutory and non-statutory policies.
Policy approval schedule (.docx)
Training and Induction
(Read more about training here and induction here.)
These documents let you track governor training and ensure new governors receive the documents and guidance they need. Also included is a welcome letter to send to governors who have been newly appointed.
Governor training record (.docx)
Governor induction checklist (.docx)
Welcome to the board letter (.doc)
School Visit Form and Protocol
(Read more about school visits here.)
Governors can use this school visits template to record their findings from visits to school, which will usually tie in with their link governor role.
The visit protocol explains why visits are important and sets out ground rules for governors when they come into school.
Governor visit template form (.doc)
Governor visit protocol (.docx)
This letter thanks departing governors for their service.
Thank you for your service letter (.doc)
Declaration of Interests
(Read more about declaration of interests here.)
Declaration of interests template (.doc)
Skills Audit
(Read more about the skills audit here.)
Governor skills audit (.docx)
Chair of governors skills audit (.docx)
Clerk to governors skills audit (.docx)
Standing Orders
(Read more about standing orders here.)
Model standing orders (.docx)
Parent Governor Election Pack
(Read more about parent governor elections here.)
This pack from Southampton LA contains a vacancy letter, nomination form, ballot paper, “thank you for applying” letter and an election results letter.
Parent governor election pack (.doc)
Staff Governor Election Pack
These are example letters and a ballot paper for staff governor elections, as provided by Hampshire LA. They include a letter to advertise the vacancy, a letter to thank volunteers for applying and a letter to inform staff of the result.
Staff governor vacancy letter (.doc)
Staff governor thank you for applying letter (.doc)
Staff governor ballot paper (.doc)
Staff governor election result letter (.doc)
Disqualification Letters For Non-Attendance
(Read more about disqualification for non-attendance here.)
The first example letter from Bracknell Forest LA allows maintained school boards to both formally warn a governor of a possible disqualification for non-attendance and (if needed) inform them of the actual disqualification. (Academies should cite their articles rather than the law.)
Disqualification letter for governor non-attendance (.doc)
The second example letter was kindly sent in by a clerk and cites articles of association. (Maintained school clerks should refer to the Constitution Regulations 2012 instead.)