When a new governor is recruited the school needs to carry out DBS and section 128 checks and then ensure that the governor has the training, documents and information they need to fulfil the role.
This article explains what to put in a governor induction pack and links to a downloadable checklist you can use to keep track of the documents provided to new governors.

Governor Induction Checklist
An editable induction checklist is available on my templates and letters page.
What should be in an induction pack?
I would recommend you give the following documents and items to all new governors and associate members. The first section lists items that should be given out in all schools, followed by two short lists of extra items depending on whether the governor is joining a maintained school or an academy.
The checklist I link to above lets you keep track of all these items.
Governor Induction Pack For All Schools
- DfE Governance Guide for either maintained schools or academies.
- Keeping Children Safe in Education.
- The school’s most recent OFSTED report.
- If you are a member of the National Governance Association (NGA) you may wish to provide copies of their book Welcome To Governance.
- Dates for all upcoming meetings.
- Minutes from recent meetings.
- Any agendas that have been set for future meetings.
- A governance glossary and acronyms list.
- Contact details for the chair, headteacher and clerk (and possibly all governors too).
- Copy of the code of conduct (if you have one, it is not mandatory).
- A form to declare their business interests.
- Details of any induction training you wish them to attend (there is no mandatory training but induction training at minimum is highly recommended).
- Logins and passwords for any digital services you use such as GovernorHub, NGA, The Key for School Governors and your school’s online storage system (eg: Google Drive).
- Login and password for their school email address (if provided).
- A copy of the school improvement plan (SIP), which may be called the school development plan (SDP) or similar.
- Copy of the school self-evaluation (SEF).
- Copies of the most important or relevant policies – this will depend on the setting but should include safeguarding/child protection. If the governor has been assigned a link role they could be given the relevant policy, eg: SEND.
- Their governor identification badge and lanyard.
- Information about any relevant trusts or religious bodies, eg: a foundation school trust or the diocese in a faith school, with an explanation of how they influence the school and board.
- Instructions for how to get into the school building! Schools often have door access codes and car park codes for security and you don’t want a new governor stuck outside at 6pm because no-one is on reception.
Additional items for maintained schools
- A copy of the instrument of government.
- Terms of reference for all committees (and the full governing body if you have them).
- Any standing orders.
Additional items for academies
- Copy of the Academy Trust Handbook.
- The memorandum and articles of association.
- Terms of reference for any committees (including local governing bodies if the person will be a local governor).
- Scheme of delegation.