Ask A Clerk currently offers two online training courses for clerks working in maintained schools in England. (These courses are not suitable for academy clerks.)
These pre-recorded courses each provide you with a two-hour training video that you can watch at any time. Also included is a complete transcript of the video and a study guide that explains the law in plain English.
Roles, Procedures & Allowances Training
Click here for full details of the Roles, Procedures & Allowances training, including how to order.
The Roles, Procedures & Allowances training course covers:
- an introduction to the role of governors, the headteacher and clerk
- how to elect the chair of governors and vice-chair
- when chair’s action can be used (the chair’s power to act alone in emergencies)
- removing a chair or vice-chair
- how to call meetings
- when the agenda and papers must be sent out
- who can attend meetings
- calculating the quorum at full board or committee meetings
- who can vote
- the procedure used to hold votes
- conflicts of interest
- suspending governors
- delegating decisions to committees and individual governors
- appointing associate members to committees
- governor allowances/expenses.
Constitution Training
Click here for full details of the Constitution training, including how to order.
The Constitution training course covers:
- the different types of governor – parent governor, staff governor, local authority governor, foundation governor, partnership governor, co-opted governor and headteacher governor
- how many governors of each type you must have
- how each governor is appointed or elected to the board and how ex officio governors join your board
- terms of office
- who is eligible for each governor position
- how to hold parent and staff governor elections
- how many associate members you can appoint and why you might want associate members
- reasons why governors are disqualified (including criminal convictions and missing meetings)
- how to remove governors from the board
- the instrument of government (IoG)
- why you might want to change your instrument of government
- the process you must use when changing the instrument
- how the rules differ in federated schools.
If you have any questions about Ask A Clerk training courses please contact me and I am happy to help.