School governors can only sign passports if they work in (or are retired from) one of the government’s approved professions.

If you need a passport signed (sometimes called “countersigned”) you need to ask someone who either works in one of the government’s approved professions or someone “of good standing” in the local community.
When I asked the passport office whether all governors would qualify for the second category they gave the following reply.
“We cannot guarantee that a school governor would be accepted as a countersignature as this will be dependant on the Passport Officer and other factors. So that we may advise further, please advise on the person’s professional occupation.”
Passport Office
Can teachers sign passports?
Yes. Teachers do qualify as one of the approved professions, so a teacher who also happens to be a governor can give a countersignature as long as they meet the other conditions, including the fact that anyone signing your passport must have known you for at least two years and can identify you easily.
Some schools may ask for a small donation to school funds in return for giving these signatures if they receive a large number of requests.
Be aware that a governor cannot sign your passport if they are your husband, wife or romantic partner, if you are related to them by birth or if you live with them.
The requirement for a person of “good standing” was designed to make sure there have been some basic checks made on the person’s life and that they would have something to lose if they were convicted of fraud.
A school governor has been subject to a criminal records check and will have signed an application form to confirm that they are not disqualified from being a governor due to issues such as criminal convictions.
The person signing the passport must live in the UK and already hold their own British or Irish passport. Note however that not all passport applications require a countersignature. You only need a signature if it is for one of the following situations:
- your first adult passport
- a child’s first passport
- a replacement for a lost, stolen or damaged passport
- renewal of a passport for a child aged 11 or under
- renewal of a passport if your appearance has changed and you cannot be recognised from your existing passport.
Can retired teachers sign passports?
Yes. The government website says that a person who has retired from an approved profession can sign your passport.
“Your countersignatory must either work in (or be retired from) a recognised profession [or] be ‘a person of good standing in their community’”.
Countersigning Passport Applications and Photos
Can teaching assistants sign passports?
No. The list of accepted professions only includes someone who is a “teacher or lecturer”, not a teaching assistant (TA). Teaching assistants cannot countersign or verify passports.
Can a nursery teacher sign a passport?
Yes. A nursery teacher would qualify as a “teacher” under the government’s list of approved professions.